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PhuQuoc Island
Vietnam is a country in South East Asia. The land looks like Japan but I think it's bigger. Recently Vietnam became a very popular must...
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A Letter To Everyone
Each year there's is one special day, this day is different than any other day, reminds you how excited that waiting to blowing the...
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南邊的法國,有著慵懶的風氣,法國的女人優雅的風情萬種.這一天我來到南法的一個城市,馬賽.作為我環遊歐洲的第三站,馬賽是個驚奇的地方,它美翻了. 坐著三個小時的火車從巴黎直達馬賽,一路上看著車上的乘客上上下下,三小時說不長不短的,但是我坐到屁股快麻痺了.火車上雖然有充電孔但是...
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